We need to take the Bible literally, do what it says, and start acting like Christians instead of just saying we are when it's convenient. Let's start holding each other accountable. So here it goes, if you claim to be a Christian, ACT LIKE IT! We all make mistakes but we're called to be different and there is NO excuse to say you are a Christian and then go partying on the weekends. We are not supposed to act like the world. We should be the church that Christ desires, but this American “christianity” SICKENS me. I want to puke when I see how the church acts and how everyone is a “christian” I’m sure people that don’t know Christ are so confused when they see “christians” out partying, drinking it up, having sex, doing drugs, acting like the world, then condemning them for doing the same thing! Goodness people, I get confused. Constantly when I am on facebook I see pictures of “christians” at frat parties boozing it up and frankly, looking like prostitutes, and I am boggled. Wait, I thought this girl was a Christian. Is she? Huh. I don’t know. WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE THE WORLD! There should be NO doubt in outsider’s minds that we follow Christ. As Whit pointed out the other day, why do people not ask the reason for the hope that is within us? The Bible says, be prepared to give an answer WHEN someone asks about the hope within us. Why do they not ask? BECAUSE WE RESEMBLE THE WORLD. WE ARE THE WORLD!
Why be a hypocrite? What is the point? God knows your heart. He knows if we are just faking it. So I’m wondering when we are going to start taking Matthew 18:15-20 seriously, and start acting on it. What about 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. It says we are not to associate with someone who claims to be a brother and continues to do all kinds of sin. It says,”For what have I do with judging outsiders? Is it not those inside the church whom you are to judge? God judges those outside. “Purge the evil person from among you.” When do we start to take this literally and applying it? We are all about the love and not judging others, which praise the Lord we are able to love, but we must not forget that we are supposed to hold each other accountable. We are so frightened of hurting others feelings and calling someone out. But if a person says they are a Christian, we are supposed to call them out when they aren’t obeying Jesus. It is LOVING to do so.
And yes, this subject gets me heated, but I’ll let ya in on a little secret as to why. This was me a few years ago. Yeah. I was a “christian”. I was the biggest hypocrite. I did what I wanted, and I also managed to be self righteous at the same time. I wish someone had called me out. I wish someone had said, Rebekah you are an idiot and you aren’t a Christian. You need to check yourself and meet Jesus. I so want us to be obedient to God, and I don’t say all these things to be mean, but I say them because I love these people so much, and I don’t want them to go through all the struggles I did.
This is half hearted living. Jesus came to give us life, and for us to live it to the full. And yes, we make mistakes and we are sinners, but there should be a constant battle raging against sin, and God should be winning that battle. We should despise our sin and strive to be obedient. Jesus, so graciously, transformed us into new creations when He saved us. My heart breaks for this generation. People are missing out on so much. A relationship with Jesus is surpassingly better than anything that this world can provide.
I love you all so very much, and I hope that y’all see my heart on this issue, and don’t take it in hateful way, but rather in a way that demonstrates how much I actually do love you.